Red Granite Quarry
Red Granite quarry began its operations in October 2018; the site is situated about 40km outside Zvishavane in the Chomumvuri area under Chief Wedza. The quarry site is strategically located next to the railway line thus providing an efficient transport network for bulk orders that can be delivered country wide. Pote transport also provides side tippers and smaller tipper trucks to deliver orders as and when they arise. The plant has a capacity of producing forty five tonnes per hour aggregates of various sizes namely:
- 7mm Quarry Stone
- 10mm Quarry Stone
- 13mm Quarry Stone
- 19mm Quarry Stone
- Quarry Dust
Some of our major clients include ChinaZim, Murowa Diamonds and local brick moulding companies.
operating since
Contact Us
Phone: +263 039-2352821 ,+263 0777577569